Chipping Mastery Program
3m 5s
Pinpoint Chipping Accuracy, Distance, and Consistency will Get You Closer to the Hole Every Time!
Your Friends Will Start Calling You “Mr. One Putt”!
IMAGINE… getting your ball so close to the pin, you’ll get a “gimme” on almost every hole!
IMAGINE… chipping it in from the fringe – effortlessly, like you see the pros do!
IMAGINE… shaving 10 strokes off your game without even worrying about lengthening your drives OR honing your putting skills!
Well it’s time to stop imagining because the secret is in your short game – around the green.
Just by concentrating on your chipping you can become a near “scratch” golfer, even if you can’t drive the ball more than 200 yards!
Now imagine doing all this without hiring a teaching pro… without using a swing trainer… and without spending endless hours on the range!
Golf University in conjunction with PGA Tour and One Asia order of Merit winner Andre Stolz have created a chipping solution that will build greater Consistency and Confidence in your game and it’s called the Chipping Mastery Program and it’s the secret to your Pin-Point Accuracy, Control and Consistency with your Chipping.